
Shoot the Puck!

An artist cannot keep themselves cooped in their studio. It is simply not sustainable. Without connecting to the world the art

Exciting times

As an artist almost nothing is better than being really REALLY excited about a painting you are working on. I often surprise m


Ever give something too much headspace? So much so, it halted any kind of positive productivity for the day? I’m having

Break the Silence

It’s time to get back in the studio. I realized it was time when I was virtually unaffected by an Instagram post of a ba

New Year, New Beginnings

A new year brings with it a time of reflection on the past. 2012 was certainly a year of ups and downs. Ups: My best friend ma

It is well with my soul.

These last couple of months have been full incredible highs and lows, both personally and professionally. Details about all sh


I’m trying to figure out if my creative lows are caused by a lack of passion. I’d like to think that it’s no

Excuse me while I go share this on Twitter.

A couple of things happened this week, that seem totally unrelated at first. I got a new phone! I’ve hopped on the Apple

Not your typical blog post…

…Because this week hasn’t been a typical week. Don’t worry. I haven’t (completely) forgotten about thi

And today’s Super Story Answer is…

So it might not come as a huge surprise, but I watch an inordinate amount of children’s television. My son’s favou

You know you have artist’s block when you… (OR: Things I’ve done this week instead of painting)

Build a fort for your son in the living room while he’s napping. Pout over Treehouse’s new program schedule. PLAY

Is that all you do, is paint beautiful paintings?

That question was asked of me by one of my instructors in my last year of classes at the U of A. He’s British, so it cam