Excuse me while I go share this on Twitter.

A couple of things happened this week, that seem totally unrelated at first.

I got a new phone! I’ve hopped on the Apple bandwagon and got a iPhone 4 (for $0, thank you Telus). This is a drastic improvement over my 3-year-old Samsung Gravity. I’ve been spending a lot of time amusing myself with my all new capability to Twitter-on-the-go-Yay-Instagram-Ding-new-email!

I’m also still in the process of fleshing out my artist statement. In case you missed it, my work is all about slowing down and enjoying the moment, in the moment.

Does anyone else see the irony here? While my art focuses on the little moments that might be missed if one didn’t slow down and look around, I’ve joined the masses in Tweet-this-Take-a-photo-Update-my-status-NOWNOWNOW.


I’m doomed.


I’ve come to the conclusion that my Aunt G really has life figured out.

Aunt G lives in a beautiful city in the interior of British Columbia. She works as a Kindergarten teacher, and lives alone in her beautiful home on the side of a mountain. She has no computer, a television she barely watches, and I very much doubt she owns a cell phone.

Sounds boring, eh?

I thought so too, until I realized that she really is living her life and enjoying things as they happen. She quilts. She takes hikes in the mountains. She travels. She renovates her home.

And she does all of this without updating any statuses, posting photos, or checking in anywhere. She truly does enjoy the moment, in the moment. She isn’t distracted by techno-anything.


We all need to do more of this.

Enjoying my son, while I can.





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